If this is your first time running this version of Data Access Studio from this machine, you will see a popup dialog asking you to Run the application. Click on the "Run" button to proceed.
  Launching Data Access Studio.
If this is your first time running this version of Data Access Studio from this machine, you will see a popup dialog asking you to Run the application. Click on the "Run" button to proceed.
  Launching Data Access Studio.
If this is your first time running this version of Data Access Studio from this machine, you will see a popup dialog asking you to Run the application. Click on the "Run" button to proceed.
If you see the file "DASWeb.application" being downloaded from your browser, you do not have the necessary Microsoft Edge flag enabled to run ClickOnce applications like DAS. Please paste the URL "edge://flags/#edge-click-once" into your browser address bar to enable ClickOnce support.
  You are trying to connect from a non-Windows machine. Data Access Studio is a Windows application and will not work from this device.
Try accessing this instead from a Windows machine using the Microsoft Edge browser.
Please visit our support page for more information on this topic.
Operating system:
Web browser:
  You are not using Microsoft Edge.
If you see the file "DASWeb.application" being downloaded from your browser, you do not have the necessary browser plug-in installed and Data Access Studio will not start. Some users have had success by downloading a ClickOnce plugin for their browser. Please visit our support page for more information on using DAS with browsers other than Microsoft Edge.
*PLEASE NOTE: It is our recommendation that customers utilize Microsoft Edge when using DAS. ReportsNow does not provide support for browser Plug-ins, Add-ons or Extensions.
Operating system:
Web browser: